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Top 10 Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Techniques Every Practitioner Should Know

BJJ Techniques for All Levels

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art and combat sport that focuses on grappling and ground fighting. It was developed by the Gracie family in Brazil in the early 20th century and has since become a popular discipline worldwide. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, mastering these top 10 BJJ techniques will enhance your skills and improve your overall performance.

  1. Guard Passes – The guard is a common position in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu where one practitioner is lying on their back, while the other is standing or kneeling between their legs. To pass the guard, you need to create space, control your opponent’s legs, and move past their hips. Some effective guard passes include the double under pass, knee slice pass, and Toreando pass.
  2. Mount Escapes – The mount is another common position where one practitioner is on top of the other, straddling their chest. If you’re on the bottom, it’s crucial to escape this position quickly, as it can be very difficult to defend against submissions from the top. Some effective mount escapes include bucking and rolling, bridging and shrimping, and using the elbow escape.
  3. Side Control Escapes – Side control is a dominant position where one practitioner is on top, pinning the other’s body sideways with their knees and elbows. To escape side control, you need to create space and regain guard or get back to your feet. Some effective side control escapes include the hip escape, shrimp escape, and bridge and roll.
  4. Sweeps – Sweeps are techniques used to off-balance your opponent and reverse positions. They’re an essential tool for anyone looking to gain an advantage in a match. Some effective sweeps include the scissor sweep, butterfly sweep, and tripod sweep.
  5. Armbars – Armbars are submissions that apply pressure to your opponent’s elbow joint, causing them to tap out. They can be applied from a variety of positions, including guard, mount, and side control. Some effective armbars include the straight armbar, kimura, and Americana.
  6. Chokes – Chokes are submissions that cut off blood flow to your opponent’s brain, causing them to lose consciousness if not released. They can be applied from a variety of positions, including the back, mount, and guard. Some effective chokes include the rear naked choke, collar choke, and guillotine choke.
  1. Takedowns – Takedowns are techniques used to take your opponent down to the ground from a standing position. They’re essential for initiating groundwork and gaining an advantage in a match. Some effective takedowns include the single leg takedown, double leg takedown, and Osoto-gari.
  2. Leglocks – Leglocks are submissions that apply pressure to your opponent’s knee or ankle joints, causing them to tap out. They can be applied from a variety of positions, including guard and leg entanglements. Some effective leglocks include the straight ankle lock, toe hold, and heel hook.
  3. Back Take – This is a fundamental movement in BJJ that involves transitioning, usually from a position of less dominance to the back of the opponent where it’s possible to apply multiple submissions, including the famous rear naked choke. To execute the back take, the practitioner must first establish control of their opponent’s upper body by trapping both arms and securing a seat belt grip. Next, they will use their legs to create space and move behind their opponent, until the legs are controlling the hips and the feet are over the tights, while maintaining control of the upper body. This movement requires a combination of strength, technique, and timing, and is a critical part of any successful Jiu-Jitsu practitioner’s arsenal.
  4. Dealing With Aggressive Opponents – Finally, it’s important to know how to deal with aggressive opponents who are constantly attacking and putting you on the defensive. This includes strategies like framing, controlling distance, and baiting your opponent into making mistakes.

Choose your Path

Learning these top 10 Brazilian Jiu Jitsu techniques will give you a solid foundation in the fundamentals of the gentle art. However, it’s important to remember that BJJ is a complex discipline that requires years of practice and dedication to master. If you’re serious about improving your skills, consider joining a reputable BJJ gym like Gracie Barra Utah schools, where you can train under experienced instructors and learn from other dedicated practitioners. You can book a FREE trial class now!

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Seidler Rodrigo Ziser

Seidler Rodrigo Ziser

Prof Seidler Rodrigo, a dedicated Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner and athlete, serves as the Head Professor at Gracie Barra Salt Lake City and Gracie Barra West Jordan, bringing a wealth of experience to the mats. Originally from Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, he transitioned from a career in pharmaceutical sciences to pursue his passion for BJJ. Prof Seidler Rodrigo is committed to inspiring life-changing transformations through the teachings of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu at Gracie Barra Salt Lake City and Gracie Barra West Jordan. As a family man, Seidler values quality time, engaging in activities such as hiking, Brazilian barbecue, movies, and biking.View Author posts